
Offset Scorecard: Forestry credits steal the show in record breaking issuance

May 25, 2017 by Billy Hamshaw

(CaliforniaCarbon.info, May 25, 2017) ARB clocked their largest ever haul of issuances yesterday as the long awaited forestry project, Wyoming IFM (ACR249), was gifted a whopping 4.5 million ARBOCs. Co-developed by the impact investment firm, Encourage Capital, and the prolific land owners, The Forestland Group, Wyoming IFM has become one of the program’s largest ever projects and injects a much needed supply of offsets into the overall pool.

To learn more about the challenges involved in managing such a project as well as a brief overview of forestry offsets within California’s successful offset program, please see CC.info’s breaking article (link).

The remaining 500K credits issued this week accrued from 6 other projects, ClimeCo ODS Destruction 18 and 19 (CAR1250) the most significant of them with 226,896 credits gained. With over 2 million credits issued so far, project developers ClimeCo are the third largest supplier of offsets under ARB’s compliance protocols.

In regards to CCO-3 conversions, a relatively small sum of 111,423 CCO-8s matured by 5 years this week. Camco’s Double A Dairy (ACR233) was the largest contributor here with 60,194 credits making the transition.

ARB’s next offset issuances will take place on June 7, 2017.

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