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All Cap and Trade IO Carbon Offsets IO Clean Fuels IO
America's first ever APCR auctions AND WCI & Washington Pre-Auction Outlook

Report Description:
As we delve into the dynamic phases of the Washington and California Cap-and-Invest programs, where pivotal policy shifts and fundamental changes are currently underway. We will provide a comprehensiv

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Voluntary RECs in North America: who is using these? Why? And what's the outlook for VRECs?

Report Description:

The voluntary Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) market has been growing rapidly in recent years as more individuals and organizations seek to support renewable energy development and reduce their

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Washington Post-Auction Review: Second step in market solidification

Report Description:
This webinar will review the second auction for Washington's new Cap and Invest program. Join our analysts as they share reflections on the auction results and nature of participants.

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Alberta TIER Market Outlook: A new model for North American carbon markets

Report Description:
Changes to the Alberta TIER went into effect in January 2023 and amendments are provided for the 2023-2030 period. Amongst the changes, the program provides for incentives.

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WCI & Washington Pre-Auctions Outlook: Auction #35 and #2, respectively

Report Description:
Every quarter we provide an outlook for the WCI auction (covering California and Quebec). From this quarter onwards we will also include the outlook for the WA Cap and Invest programs.

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Asymmetry and Arbitrage? Washington and California - Opportunities in Offsets and Investment

Report Description:
As the Washington cap-and-invest program navigates its first year in play and the California cap-and-trade program initiates its program review

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First Few Steps - Review of Washington's First Auction and Market Launch

Report Description:
Following in the footsteps of California, Washington's brand-new carbon market is hitting major milestones - launch of program, first few trades, and first market auction. The results are in, and the

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Great Expectations - What to watch in Carbon Markets and Clean Fuels for 2023

Report Description:

A great year of change and market development requires a great deal of insight and detailed understanding of market interrelationships.

This webinar will be a comprehensive shakedown for the yea

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