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All Cap and Trade IO Carbon Offsets IO Clean Fuels IO
WCI Auction Outlook & The Investor Effect

Report Description:
The previously steady WCI carbon market was changed, almost beyond recognition, over the last 18 months. Prices almost doubled, we have started to see regular daily price changes that would maybe hav

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The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – A review of the EU proposal & guesses for the US

Report Description:
In January, the EU released its draft proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Join us along with leading experts to hear our breakdown of the proposal and its impact on the economy. Further

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Pre-Auction Outlook: WCI Pre-Auction Outlook – JA 30 – Feb 22

Report Description:
Join us as we dive into the 2022 CCA market to present our expectations for the February Joint Auction. ICE CCA prices have weakened after the Fed announced its expectation of rate hikes to keep ahead

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Outlook for Carbon Prices in WCI and RGGI for 2022 and beyond

Report Description:
A new wind blows in the North American Carbon Markets. In the case of demand, while most of us thought 2021 would be a return to normal economic activities, our expectations were dulled as the year we

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WCI Post Auction Review: Joint Auction 29

Report Description:
The latest WCI November Auction settled at $28.30, $10.59 above the price floor. The ICE secondary market that earlier traded about $6 above the settlement price, corrected itself on the day of the re

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WCI 2021-22 Outlook: The beginning of allowance deficits?

Report Description:
Financial participation in the last auction increased to 32%, the highest in the program’s history. And with it, the auction settlement price jumped up by $5.49 above the auction floor. The set

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Money Powers Carbon: The role of financiers in US carbon markets

Report Description:
The WCI and RGGI carbon markets have undergone an invasion of financial participants over the last year. As traditional assets fail to recover from the covid pandemic and after the visible success of

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WCI Pre-Auction Outlook: Expectations for Joint Auction 28

Report Description:
WCI Qualified Bidder History. Joint Auction Trends. CFTC Data Review. Updated Emissions Forecast. Expectations for JA 28

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