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Core Carbon Principles: Will they impact the Voluntary Carbon Market?

Report Description:
The Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM) released its Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) at the end of March.

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WCI & Washington Pre-Auctions Outlook: Auction #35 and #2, respectively

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Every quarter we provide an outlook for the WCI auction (covering California and Quebec). From this quarter onwards we will also include the outlook for the WA Cap and Invest programs.

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Asymmetry and Arbitrage? Washington and California - Opportunities in Offsets and Investment

Report Description:
As the Washington cap-and-invest program navigates its first year in play and the California cap-and-trade program initiates its program review

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Making a Splash - Washington CFS and its impact on the North American Clean Fuel Landscape

Report Description:
The introduction of the Washington Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) in 2023 represents a significant milestone in the development of alternative fuel options.

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Voluntary Carbon Market - A motley crew of sub-markets each with a different future

Report Description:
The Voluntary Carbon Market is often treated as a contingent whole, but really, it's a collection of sub-markets. Voluntary Offsets have radically different prices, depending on protocol, nature of bu

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CCO Price Forecast: Expectations for WCI Offset Prices till 2030

Report Description:
2023 is shaping up to be a momentous year for the WCI, and CCOs therein. A swiftly recovering state economy means that 2023 will mark the first year in which California emissions will surpass the allo

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First Few Steps - Review of Washington's First Auction and Market Launch

Report Description:
Following in the footsteps of California, Washington's brand-new carbon market is hitting major milestones - launch of program, first few trades, and first market auction. The results are in, and the

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2030 Global SAF Market Outlook

Report Description:
Clean Aviation presents one of the largest challenges and greatest opportunities in the Sustainable Transition. Aviation is the second biggest contributor to global transportation emissions at 11.6%.

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