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All Cap and Trade IO Carbon Offsets IO Clean Fuels IO
Washington Cap and Invest Outlook

Report Description:
The Washington Department of Ecology is on a race to achieve their milestones to 2023. Emitters in Washington will submit baselines and production data to Ecology on 15th September which will then be

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Competing Clean Fuel Markets Across North America, which clean fuel programs offer the highest marginal revenue ($ per MJ)

Report Description:
As the regional carbon intensity-based clean fuel markets expand in number, the impact on clean fuel volume generation, supply distribution and carbon credit generated gets amplified. Consequently, th

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California-Quebec Pre Auction Outlook Aug22

Report Description:
Join us as we dive into the 2022 CCA market to present our expectations for the August Joint Auction and our demand outlook for 2023. Last time around our pre-auction price forecast was right on the m

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Global Offset Output - VCM 2030 Supply Scenarios

Report Description:

This webinar is our first step towards what the carbon market has been calling out for: a Voluntary Carbon Market Forecast. In this webinar we breakdown the current and potential sources of supply

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Canada Clean Fuel Standard- Catching early signs on market liquidity and credit price

Report Description:
As the Canadian Clean Fuel Regulation prepares to get launched in early 2023, we explore the current state of regulatory design, market pulse, and brimming anticipation about market liquidity. We pres

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California's 2022 Scoping Plan - Under the Magnifying Glass

Report Description:

For the first time ever, the new Scoping Plan shoots out decades into the future - through till 2045, and it identifies several long levers to navigate toward carbon neutrality. What does it mean C

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Washington's Carbon Market Countdown for 2023

Report Description:
On the 17th of May, the Washington Department of Ecology published its latest draft regulation for its Cap and Trade in 2023. This included the allowance budgets and auction reserve prices. There are

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New Freight Fuels: Marginal Cost & Adoption Timeline for Hydrogen & Cellulosic Biofuel

Report Description:
As the transportation sector strives to reduce emissions at an increasing rate, the need for technological improvements that support advanced fuels become quite essential. In the long run hydrogen an

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