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All Cap and Trade IO Carbon Offsets IO Clean Fuels IO
WCI Auction Outlook & The Investor Effect

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The previously steady WCI carbon market was changed, almost beyond recognition, over the last 18 months. Prices almost doubled, we have started to see regular daily price changes that would maybe hav

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Battle of the biofuels: Competition for feedstock across Renewable Diesel, Bio-diesel and SAF

Report Description:
Biomass-Based diesel will play an important role in the clean fuel transportation sector. Within this segment Biodiesel, Renewable diesel, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel compete for the same feedstock

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Voluntary Carbon Market Why prices rose, and is a correction due?

Report Description:
2021 was perhaps the definitive 'take-off' year for the voluntary offsets market. Depending on project type, prices at least doubled, exchange contracts saw their first major volumes, and a futures m

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CCO Market Update: Stability amidst CCA chaos

Report Description:
CCA prices have seen unprecedented volatility over the last 18 months, and even more so now with the war in Ukraine. Alternatively, CCOs, the natural partner market, have been remarkably stable throu

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The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – A review of the EU proposal & guesses for the US

Report Description:
In January, the EU released its draft proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Join us along with leading experts to hear our breakdown of the proposal and its impact on the economy. Further

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Unlocking Values Of RNG Projects By Leveraging Interplay Between NA Markets

Report Description:
California carbon is collaborating with the RNG coalition for one of its Wednesday Webinar Series.

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Pre-Auction Outlook: WCI Pre-Auction Outlook – JA 30 – Feb 22

Report Description:
Join us as we dive into the 2022 CCA market to present our expectations for the February Joint Auction. ICE CCA prices have weakened after the Fed announced its expectation of rate hikes to keep ahead

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Outlook for North American Clean Fuels Markets for 2022 and beyond

Report Description:
The past year has been significant for the clean fuel market as volatile prices have made project developers, financiers, and obligated parties question their long-term plans and reevaluate their deci

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