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All Cap and Trade IO Carbon Offsets IO Clean Fuels IO
Where should I ship my clean fuels

Report Description:
In the next 5 years, nearly one-third of the transportation sector in North America will be covered by clean fuel standards, helping accelerate the uptake of cleaner fuels and electric vehicles. When

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WCI Pre-Auction Outlook: Expectations for Joint Auction 28

Report Description:
WCI Qualified Bidder History. Joint Auction Trends. CFTC Data Review. Updated Emissions Forecast. Expectations for JA 28

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Scoping plan De-brief: A discussion on the modelling assumptions

Report Description:
The webinar discusses the present scoping plan and explores the pathways and models that can be implemented in the next revised scoping plan

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A Window into the Voluntary Offsets Market

Report Description:
Across the last 18 months, there have been a raft of Science Based Targets (SBTs) for carbon emission reductions from global corporations. Carbon offsets will play a central role for many of the firms

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Canada Carbon Mosaic

Report Description:
Focusing on the recently announced Federal Offset Program, we give a quantitive evaluation of Canada's emerging regional mix of carbon policies, and how they will interrelate.

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Cost of Clean Fuel Pathways

Report Description:
Marginal costs curves comparing the major credit generation pathways for the North American Clean Fuels Standards (NA CFS). To determine the most financially viable projects, we will compare forecaste

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May Auction Outlook and Updated 2021 Covid Scenarios

Report Description:
How the latest COVID-affected economic data will impact 2021 auction demand, and a brief discussion of scoping plan scenarios for the 2030-2050 policy horizon

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A Splitting Offsets Market?

Report Description:
Interpretation of AB398. 2030 Offset Demand scenario. 2030 Offset Supply scenarios. Analyzing Net position on the price differential. Emerging strategies for Offset contracts.

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