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Outlook for Carbon Prices in WCI and RGGI for 2022 and beyond

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A new wind blows in the North American Carbon Markets. In the case of demand, while most of us thought 2021 would be a return to normal economic activities, our expectations were dulled as the year we

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Voluntary Offsets' Breakout Year: A Data-packed Annual Review

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This webinar will cover what has been the most explosive year of growth for carbon offsets this decade, and what many see as the defining pivot point for voluntary carbon markets. We analyse this step

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WCI Post Auction Review: Joint Auction 29

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The latest WCI November Auction settled at $28.30, $10.59 above the price floor. The ICE secondary market that earlier traded about $6 above the settlement price, corrected itself on the day of the re

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Renewable Fuel Standard: Beyond the mandate, post-2022 outlook

Report Description:
The US Federal Renewable Fuel Standard program is a national policy that requires a certain volume of renewable fuel to replace or reduce the quantity of petroleum-based transportation fuel, heating o

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WCI 2021-22 Outlook: The beginning of allowance deficits?

Report Description:
Financial participation in the last auction increased to 32%, the highest in the program’s history. And with it, the auction settlement price jumped up by $5.49 above the auction floor. The set

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Enough feedstock to feed the climate goals?

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Demand for feedstocks from renewable fuel producers is expected to surge in the United States in the coming years as producers scramble to expand output. Fuels such as biodiesel, renewable diesel, and

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Money Powers Carbon: The role of financiers in US carbon markets

Report Description:
The WCI and RGGI carbon markets have undergone an invasion of financial participants over the last year. As traditional assets fail to recover from the covid pandemic and after the visible success of

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California's Low Carbon Fuel Standards: 2030 & Beyond

Report Description:
The webinar explores the various scenarios and their outcomes that may drive the volume and price of California's LCFS market for the next decade and beyond.

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